Most of our facilities follow the Montgomery County School Closing Policy. The following list provides both policy and contact information for many of our facilities. Please note that it is not unusual for a facility to make a policy exception for safety or operational reasons.
Please contact the appropriate facility if you have any doubts!
If you don’t see “your” facility listed below go to our “Locations” page for contact information.
Asbury Methodist Village
Rosborough Wellness Center
Telephone: (301) 987-6255
Winter Season Weather-related Cancellations at AMV Wellness Center
In cases of snow or ice through the winter season, our first concern is safety in deciding whether or not to hold fitness classes as scheduled. It can be hazardous to walk, get on and off the shuttle, or drive in these conditions.
Winter weather class cancellations will be posted by 7:00 am via numerous channels:
• The AVTV Scroll
• The AVTV Cancellation line: 301-216-4500
• The AMV Website:
• Recorded message on the main Wellness Center line: 301-987-6255
• Recorded message on the pool line: 301-987-6269
Pool Policy for Thunder and Lightning
In case of thunder and lightning year-round, the pool and pool deck must be cleared as soon as possible. The pool will be closed for 30 minutes for thunder and 60 minutes for lightning. The pool will reopen at the discretion of the lifeguard or manager.
If you are unsure about the status of a class or the pool, please call before coming – either the main Wellness Center line at 301-987-6255 or the pool at 301-987-6269.
Thank you for patronizing the Asbury Wellness Center!
City of Gaithersburg Land Classes (Core Strength, Step Rocks, D.E.B. Workout)
City of Gaithersburg Inclement Weather Hotline
Please call the city inclement weather hotline 240-805-1148.
Columbia Country Club
When Montgomery County Schools are delayed MORNING classes will be cancelled.
When Montgomery County Schools are closed ALL classes will be cancelled.
When Montgomery County Schools have early dismissal EVENING classes are cancelled.
Congressional Country Club
When Montgomery County Schools are delayed classes will be held, but please note: we’ll adjust the starting time to 11:00am.
When Montgomery County Schools are closed classes will be cancelled.
Gaithersburg Aquatic Center
Telephone: 301-258-6445 ext. 205
When Montgomery County Schools are closed the Gaithersburg Aquatic Center (GAC) is closed.
When Montgomery County Schools close early: GAC is closed.
“The overriding principle for your safety is to use your best judgment.
A good rule of thumb is if there is snow or ice covering the road in front of your house, stay home! Be SAFE!!!”
Telephone: (240) 686-4500
Policy changes are pending. Please call the Club for an up-to-date answer.
Kentland Manor Apartments
Telephone: (301) 926-0696
Secisions will be made on a day to day basis.
Quince Orchard Swim & Tennis Club
Telephone:(301) 990-1846 (Quince Orchard Decision Hotline)
When Montgomery County Schools are closed we will hold no classes. (Monday through Thursday, morning and evening)
When Montgomery County Schools have a DELAYED opening: decisions will be handled on an ad hoc basis: Please call (301) 990-1846 for Quince Orchard updates.
When Montgomery County Schools have an early dismissal all evening classes are cancelled.
Rockville Municipal Swim Center
Telephone: 240-314-8750
Students can check the Swim and Fitness Center Website at (click on the “Living In” link) and register for “Notify Me” to get information regarding facility closures and program cancellations. Please do not rely on a MCPS decision. Students can also call the Swim Center directly at 240-314-8750 to get specific up to date info for each weather event. Absent any specific notice, students should assume programs are held as scheduled.
If you don’t see “your” facility listed below go to our “Locations” page for contact information.